

Wakefield: Honda Nationals Wakefield 2018

This year Honda National's is doing 1 day at Wakefield earlier in the year, followed by their Winton day at the end of the year, woo! First time it being held up at Wakefield in Sydney.

With all the prep I had done and roll cage, I was keen for a new PB, to dip into the 1.09s, big goal but I felt it was possible.

First session I just played around getting used to the change, making a few changes with the dampenings. Second session there was a lot of traffic, I was put in a low group however I feel I should of been in the group above, was getting held up a lot. I only managed 2 fast laps, both being very low 1.11's like 1.11.1 and a 1.11.3 from memory, then that sesion was finished. On the next session it was passenger I took a mate out to show him how late you can brake with our pad setup (Intima), and then the good old friend, the check engine light appeared..

No Vtec, idling at 2k rpm.. Of course the one time I decide to not take the laptop is the only time I need. Flashed the CEL and got code 16 which is injectors, however its apparently known to really mean a corrupted tune/ECU.. Tbh I got the shits, barely got to drive it, when I had fast laps I was ducking through traffic.. so just put it straight on the trailer, drove home and put it in the garage.

Awesome day for the part of which the car was working though, very well organised day, but hey thats racing first time the car has actually played up at the track. Heres some photos from the photographers. Cheers Facebook for ruining the quality

1:34.4447 1:20.3026 1:18.8033 1:11.9477 1:11.2877 1:35.2259 1:25.0872 :**.*** 1:39.4624 1:12.8313 10 1:19.9157 1:12.3348 2:15.7194 :**.*** 1:39.0952


civic civic civic civic civic