

DeepSeBan CRX Flares

Whilst at uni the other day searching Yahoo Auctions like any good student, I stumbled across some fender flares for sale. They looked very familiar, as if I've seen them on a CRX in Japan which I froth over all the time.. Turned out to be DeepSeBan fender flares! I've always loved the ones on his CRX, but didn't know they made 2 other copies. 1 set is in USA, and now I have the other!

civic civic civic civic civic

I have the spare set of black guards I bought back when I was doing my motorswap, so I'll most likely put them on that for track use only. I'm quite scared to break them honestly haha..

Here's some test fitting photos, not a proper test though as the side trim is still on the guard. I've tested on my spare guards with no trim and they sit pretty schmick!

civic civic civic

Here's some pics of them on the DeepSeban CRX so you can get a idea of the final product

civic civic