

EF9 SiR Cluster conversion

For the past few days I've been installing my EF9 SiR cluster which has been on the shelf for half a year now. I got a ED6 and EF8/9 SiR cluster pinout (ED6 from the workshop manual) and simply had to repin the plugs.

I got the plugs for the SiR cluster sorted, I was able to use 3 of the original ED plugs, 1 being the green powered mirror control plug, but needed a 6 pin plug which I didn't have on the ED nor DA loom. What I figured I could do was take the ED 8 pin plug and cop 1 pin off either side (as you'll see in a photo below), lovely.

Started to depin each ED wire and labelling them with masking tape to know whats what. Then it was a matter of transferring them over to the new plugs for the SiR cluster. 1 wire had to piggy back off of another from memory, can't remember why though (maybe it was 2 seperate signals for the door lights?), but everything was fairly straight forward!

Wired in the electronic VSS, the VSS I bought fits the gearbox, but the bracket to bolt into the gearbox is just too short (shown in one of the pics), however it sits there without needing to be bolted down, and has done so for 8yrs now.

Comparison of the cable VSS vs electronic VSS to check everything is same size. And yeah the final product. I can now read past 8000RPM which is good, as my redline is set to 8400RPM. Have the open doors and few other little goodies, and also the check engine light as the ED6 Carby cluster doesn't have one, and now I have the shift light set up through it with the Hondata!

** Note! ** I had to switch over the dimmer switch from the original one in my ED. The next morning driving to work in the dark, very quickly the illuminations on the dash went duller and duller.. I tried to turn up the dimmer but it was boiling hot!!

Turns out a different model dash uses a dimmer switch which has some electronic components inside which draw current, the early model one I had has those in the cluster, and the switch was just the dial.


SiR cluster


Making the 6 pin plug

civic civic civic civic

Here's some photos of the final product! Very happy with how it turned out, gives a complete different feel when driving, not sure how but it does, and at night with the cluster lit up it's even cooler, so SiR!

civic civic