

Exhausting times!

My original muffler delete was starting to get quite rusty, so my mate Kevin and I decided to do a new 2" stainless steel muffler delete. We did some pie cuts to angle it nicely, using a gasless mig was always fun..

Safety squints on!

civic civic

Also bought a DC2R OEM short shifter and installed. Had to grind the base down from 40mm to 30mm which is the same as the ED shifter. Doesn't seem like I took any photos of this unfortunately.

I've also repainted the front lip to white, the black wasn't doing it for me.

A few nights after on the 25/8/2015 there was a Honda meet up nearby at Sydney Olympic Park. Nice to catchup and chat with a few people in the community. You can see the new exhaust, also I had added a flashing F1 type light on the lower section of the rear bumper.. Re-writing this in the future of 2023, pretty wanky putting that on the car at the time haha, sigh..

civic civic civic