

Cutting out/grinding down roof rust!

Alrighty time to start tackling the rust on this roof. Uni exams are nearly done so I was able to fit in some time, one more exam this Friday and then freedom! ... until next semester..

My dad runs a warehouse whom supply 3M products and other products to other warehouses like DHL/TOLL, Quantas and other buinesses, he brought home these rust remove wheels, they are bloody awesome!

Removed heaps of surface rust from around the chassis roof where the roof skin sits on. I also cut out the remaining rust on the drivers side. Once it was all off from these grinding wheels and also some wire brushing, I wiped on some WD-40 as a panel beater mate informed me to do, so the clear metal won't corrode again.

Then I started working on the roof skin side, passenger side came clean very quickly however the rust got under the webbing supports, so they will need to come off as well.

wago wago

wago wago wago wago wago wago wago wago