Posted on 01/12/2018
So got some progress done last weekend, not a lot but it has directed our future steps with what to do.
First off to start the Saturday was to get rid of the scrap wagon, had our new pommy scrapper come pick it up. Now the sedan can go back to its resting spot on the gravel next to the garage. The wagon then finally came out of the garage, it's been quite a while since it's moved, as with the roof off it's not ideal to move it around, the chassis could possibly flex out of alignment.
I brought it out to put on my spare Honda Fat 5's so I could sell the wheels which came on the wagon for some extra spending money for Japan at the start of 2019!
Here is a bit of ramble in regards to our next steps. It was time to tackle the rust spots under the windscreen on the crowl. In the photo below you'll see what we have already cut out with a piece still there where the hinges for the bonnet bolt down to. There is usually a think layer over this to cover it, which was rusted away completely, as in it was a huge hole when we got it. You can see on the top of the photo, where it would be the bottom corner of the windscreen, passenger side that there is still pitted metal. Underneath that there is rust of a lower layer of metal, however the piece on top is quite solid still which we didn't want to cut.
However, all rust needs to come out, so what we plan to do is cut off that top pitted layer completely and replace, it will be tricky trying to fab up a piece to the correct shape, especially as its where the windscreen lays. It needs to be spot on. At the bottom corner of where the engine bay is behind the shock tower is also rust from wheres its run down on top, you can kinda see it in the photos. This too needs to be cut open and replaced.
Heres a temp repair piece we mocked up to see what we would be working with. Can't remember if we used this piece or not (writting this in the future on 15/02/2023)
To finish off the day I soaked the hinges in WD-40 as they were seized up and kept moving back and forth until they freely moved, and started wire brushing away the rear passenger corner. It was covered in primer, which contained a lot of body filler under neath, not sure why. Previous owner had mentioned there was rust repairs done there (still rust there from incorrect rust repairs) however the filler makes me a little confused as its over perfeclty fine metal... oh well
So yeah we have quite a fair bit of work for these sections. Monday night I went over to my fathers (where the wagon is stored) for dinner and so we could just look into what needs to be done with this front windscreen area.
My dad suggested we remove the motor was well so we can stand in the engine bay especially for those corners behind the shock tower, just for some ease of movement and to confirm any rust in the engine bay lower down.
Saturday I will buy some new battery terminals from SuperCheap Auto and use my hatch battery to try start it. I want to jack the wago up and test the 4WD system to ensure it works, would also be cool to see if the wago even starts as I havn't tried that since I've bought it. Stay tuned!