

Smelly seats

So since putting the drivers seat in, it has ruined the smell as the car as I'm assuming theres a mouldy smell on it. Before renting one of those fancy seat cleaners I decided to use some laundry soap + hot water and give the seat a good scrub, whilst doing passenger seat as I was there.

I contacted the previous owner to try find out what air fresheners he used as I really liked the smell of the car, reminded me of sitting in some Honda's at garages I've visited in Japan before. He reckons this was the last one he used, so I ordered a bunch on eBay and left them in the car for a few weeks. It somewhat smells like it used to, however I'm thinking the original smell was a mix of a few air fresheners.

(You may notice the replacement OEM EF9 steering wheel is already fitted however I hadn't fitted the horn button as I needed to check for the center of the column, I'll address the wheel fitted in the next post)

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Little fan to help air out the interior whilst I'm working inside..


Recently I had to move one of my wagons, spare EF9 shell and a HEAP of parts from my dads old place as he moved, I came across a few OEM bits which I'll be swapping into the car to neaten it up, including the OEM gearknob too. So heres to a non cracked washer bottle lid.

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Few weekends ago I washed the EF9 and actually took it out for a drive for some breakkie/coffee with some oldschool Honda mates which we do every now and then. It was nice to cruise down the motorway in the EF9, seat reclined back pumping the tunes. I'm still suprised to how well the B16A goes compared to my B18C in the Civic (although it doesn't spin tyres into 3rd).

Was a good time to reflect on the car so far and think of what is to come of it. As I've mentioned before I plan to return it to OEM with a few mods (Restomod I think some call it), I definitely want to return to the original grey one day. I'm thinking of raising my wagon so I could move the GAB SS coilovers from that (which were originally in the Civic) into this, allowing me to adjust the height correctly and arn't completely blown. I'd like to get the leaking steering rack sorted and put PS back in, followed by fixing the non-blowing AC.

Would also like to hunt for some Honda Access OEM goodies, I really do like the Honda Access wooden steering wheel + gearknob, with the dark black interior I feel they are nice highlights. Also I plan to install my gathers rear speakers as well! Lets see how 2021 goes for the car!

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